Old West Shooting Society
The Very First Gouge Eye Saloon - More Photos
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For those who find fault in others work, spelling errors have been left in for their amusement.


Where Real Men and Real Women Shoot Real Guns

The Very First Gouge Eye Saloon - More Photos



Photos of Rowdy Yates' very first Gouge Eye Saloon.  This took place at the High Sierra Cowboy Shoot in Rail Road Flat, California, in about 1989.  Fun Times and Good Memories had by all!  









"That was some might fine Cowboy Food, Yes Siree!"





"Hey the Little Lady!  What did I tell you about no feet on the pristing and mighty fine Gouge Eye Saloon Bar?!"




Yes Siree!  Some mighty fine attire was always to be found at the Gouge Eye Saloon.



"Okay, who's a cheatin'?  Give yourself up!"



Looks like the Gouge Eye Saloon Bartender really gypped this poor Cowboy.
His dang beer has got more foam than beer!  I'd be complainin' to the Management!

Contact:  Give a shout to "Rowdy Yates" (Jim Moore):  rowdy@gougeeyesaloon.com .  See ya at the Shoot!