Old West Shooting Society
Range War Photos - Page 4
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For those who find fault in others work, spelling errors have been left in for their amusement.


Where Real Men and Real Women Shoot Real Guns

Range War!



Range War was "Rowdy Yates's" multi day shoot held each autumn at Chabot.  Many wonderful memories and fun tiimes had, both during the shoot and in the evenings at the Gouge Eye Saloon.

Oh, and all Cowboy and Cowgirl Shooters brougth their Big Guns. 
'Cause they really needed 'em for this fine shoot.



This here is good ol' Chabot County Judge "pipeline Paul" and Chabot Prosecuting Attorney "Teddy Rosevelt.
They're gettin' ready for nuttin' other than a trial for "Rowdy Yates".  And the charges for "Rowdy Yates"?  Glad you asked!
Two Felony Counts: (1) Cheatin' at Poker, and (2) Just bein' Plain Ugly.



"Look really, really hard now.  See that teeny little target way down younder?  Yep, that's what you shoot."


I don't know about you, but I think the Range War Folks need a bigger horsie!


Ready, Aim, Fire!  Hurry up, Cowboy, before the Nitrous Box blows up!


Some old fashioned community socializin' and shopping in the fine Town of Chabot.


Ordinarily Cowboys aren't allowed to have beach umbrellas out.
But on this bright sunny day, the Sheriff of Chabot made an exception!  


Yes Siree, you really do get to stoke your 97 at Range War.  No joke, ya hear?


Contact:  Give a shout to "Rowdy Yates" (Jim Moore):  rowdy@gougeeyesaloon.com .  See ya at the Shoot!